Brazil’s AI Regulation Journey: Balancing Technology Growth and Human Rights Protection

“Brazil has initiated a procedure to examine, analyze and possibly amend a proposed bill concerning AI regulation. The Bill No. 2338, aimed at managing the use of AI and safeguarding human rights, is now set to undergo close scrutiny by the Senate Commission over the next 120 days. The goal is striking a balance between upholding human rights and fostering AI technological developments.”

Unmasking the Poly Network Crypto Breach: A Bulldozer for Blockchain’s Security Crackdown

“The Poly Network was exploited, losing almost $10 million in ETH, confirmed via tweet on July 2nd. The hacker minted $34 billion worth of cryptocurrency, yet full cashout was hindered by liquidity constraints and security measures. Reports suggest an overpowered key governing Poly Network’s smart contract escalated the breach. Despite the setback, Binance reassured customers of their unaffected status.”

Unmasking the Cross-chain Protocol Loopholes: The $42 Billion Illusion Attack and the Future of Blockchain Security

Attackers reportedly exploited the cross-chain protocol of PolyNetwork’s bridge tool, minting billions of tokens on different blockchain platforms to create an illusion of a ballooned wallet. However, lack of liquidity ultimately prevented them from capitalizing on this ill-gotten wealth. This incident highlights the need for vigilant security in the blockchain ecosystem.