Balancing Triumph and Tumult: Navigating Bitcoin’s Volatile Landscape Amid Global Concerns

“The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has raised concerns about large scale adoption of cryptocurrencies, suggesting it could lead to obstruction in monetary control, facilitating capital flow regulations avoidance and could draw resources away from the substantial economy. Meanwhile, ARK Investment expresses that macroeconomic turbulence might pose obstacles on Bitcoin’s bullish trend in the short-term future.”

₿trust Acquisition of Qala: A Turning Point for Bitcoin Development in Africa or Cause for Concern?

₿trust, a non-profit backed by Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey, recently acquired Qala, a body aiming to enhance Bitcoin and Lightning engineers’ skills in Africa. The integration aligns with ₿Trust’s mission to stimulate Bitcoin open-source developers’ learning globally, particularly in the Global South, potentially changing the region’s involvement in Bitcoin development.