Arbitrum’s Unused Fraud Proofs: A Testament to Security or Flawed Utilization?

“In the blockchain technology stakes, maintaining security and preventing fraudulent activity is key, with protocols like Arbitrum’s fraud proofs playing a significant role. Surprisingly, according to Offchain Labs, these fraud proofs haven’t been used since the protocol’s launch two years ago, due to a combination of strong deterrent measures and the risk to validators.”

Arbitrum Stylus: Next-Gen Tool for Crypto Coding or Just Another Developer Gimmick?

Offchain Labs, creators of the Arbitrum blockchain, have developed a tool called Arbitrum Stylus to tap into the larger developer community. This tool facilitates easier working with popular languages like Rust, C++, and C without departing from the Ethereum Virtual Machine standard. It seeks to bring more developers towards the Ethereum ecosystem, leveraging languages more common than Solidity, the main Ethereum coding language. The ultimate deployment of Arbitrum Stylus rests with the Arbitrum DAO community.

Accelerating Blockchain’s Future: How Arbitrum’s Stylus Transforms Ethereum Virtual Machines

The founder of Arbitrum, Ed Felten, introduces Stylus as a game-changer for Ethereum Virtual Machines (EVMs). Stylus allows developers to use languages like Rust, C, and C++, speeding up computations and reducing gas costs. This could lead to advancements in code development, higher performance on-chain operations, and potentially making EVMs safer.