Crucial Crypto Updates: The Bitcoin Slump, Crypto Aid Israel and The Rise of BitVM

Bitcoin’s value hovers at $27,653 as Robert F. Kennedy Jr, a crypto enthusiast, vies for presidency as an independent, proposing the reinforcement of the US dollar with Bitcoin among other assets. Cryptocurrency organizations, including Fireblocks, offer aid in the midst of the Israel crisis, suggesting possible integration of crypto in traditional finance systems. Robin Linus unveils BitVM, potentially importing Ethereum-level smart contracts to the Bitcoin sphere.

Smart Contracts on Bitcoin: The Future of Blockchain or an Overreaching Gamble?

The recent “BitVM: Compute Anything on Bitcoin” white paper by ZeroSync’s project lead, Robin Linus, proposes a new way to implement complex off-chain smart contracts on Bitcoin. Based on a Turing Complete system, this method would broaden Bitcoin’s operations to include applications like tactical games verification, bridging BTC to foreign chains, and constructing prediction markets.