Biden’s AI Summit: Balancing Innovation, Regulation, and Blockchain Implications

President Joe Biden is set to meet with AI experts to discuss the future of artificial intelligence and the need for legislation and guidelines. This comes at a time when the U.S. government has yet to establish a comprehensive strategy for AI development and cryptocurrency regulation, while Europe, China, and the United Kingdom have already made progress in these areas. The meeting aims to address concerns on policy, regulation, and balancing innovation with safety and risk mitigation.

Exploring Conflicts of Interest: Former SEC Officials and Crypto Connections Debated

Empower Oversight’s lawsuit against the SEC questions potential crypto-related conflicts of interest involving former officials William Hinman and Jay Clayton. The watchdog agency accuses the SEC of failing to comply with FOIA requests, raising concerns about transparency and ethical issues within the regulatory organization, as former officials join law firms and funds associated with cryptocurrencies.