Galxe’s Groundbreaking Protocol: Revolutionizing Web3 and Digital Identities, But What Lies Ahead?

“Galxe, a Web3 community development platform, plans to revolutionize digital identities with the Galxe Protocol. This would allow complete user control over private data, merging zero-knowledge proof and verifiable credentials. The system aims to decentralize and secure digital transactions, addressing fragmentation of credential data and enabling an open ecosystem for Web3 developers.”

Navigating Web3’s Growing Pains: Analyzing Security Challenges Amid Crypto Innovations

“The Galxe protocol recently suffered a DNS attack, causing significant losses and posing questions about the feasibility of security in Web3 platforms. The incident highlights growing security challenges, with Web3-related security faults causing an astounding $686 million loss in the third quarter this year. The future of the blockchain space depends on balancing innovation and risk.”