Fed Rate Hike Impact: Exploring Non-Traditional Crypto Assets Amid Inflation Fears

The cryptocurrency market experiences increased investor interest for non-traditional assets amid potential US Federal Reserve rate hikes. With 80% of chief economists predicting central banks’ difficulties in managing inflation, crypto derivatives exchange BitMEX recommends investing outside the traditional financial system. Cryptocurrencies show varying trends, and investors must thoroughly research and manage risks in these uncertain financial situations.

Balaji’s Canceled $1M Bitcoin Bet: Shaky Predictions or Crypto Resilience Highlighted?

Former Coinbase CTO Balaji Srinivasan has cancelled his $1 million bet on Bitcoin reaching $1 million within 90 days, sparking skepticism about cryptocurrency market viability and stability. However, supporters argue the bet’s cancellation highlights the rapidly changing financial landscape and increasing importance of cryptocurrencies amid concerns over fiat currency inflation.