Ethereum’s .box Domains: Bridging Web3 & Traditional Web or Opening Censorship Risks?

Mystical blockchain world meets traditional web, golden-hued sunset illuminating futuristic cityscape, intertwined URLs showcasing .box & .eth domains, user's hand reaching from glowing Web3 sphere towards vibrant Earth, aura of innovative integration, cautiously optimistic mood.

The Ethereum Name Service (ENS), a leading Web3 identification project, is set to unveil a new domain name extension called .box in September 2023. In a tweet dated June 7, ENS lead developer, Nick Johnson, announced that the .box Top-Level Domain (TLD) would be the first of its kind to be routable by both blockchain-native Domain Name System (DNS) and traditional web DNS.

The .box TLD is a collaboration between ENS and, designed to allow Ethereum users to link websites and send emails using this blockchain-based internet name service. With ENS-enabled .box domains, registration and transfer of domain names will occur directly on the Ethereum blockchain. Much like the .eth domains, the upcoming .box TLD aims to help users own DNS-based and ENS-based names. The service is set to roll out by September 2023.

While the .box domain names seem quite promising, some concerns have been raised regarding censorship and potential FBI control of the TLD. One user posed the question of how resistant the new domain names would be to censorship, especially considering the possibility of the FBI seizing control. Johnson responded by stating that it is unlikely for the FBI to attempt seizing an entire TLD. However, he did mention that the .box domain names are not censorship-resistant, as the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has certain requirements to adhere to and has implemented the Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (UDRP) process for seizing domain names.

ENS is a blockchain-based domain name system known for providing identity across Web3 and crypto platforms. Its main function is to convert the machine-readable identifiers, such as crypto addresses, into human-readable domain names. ENS uses the Ethereum blockchain as its backbone, with URL addresses ending with .eth, ultimately transforming long strings of characters seen in crypto addresses into simple domain names like “James.eth.”

The forthcoming .box naming system will operate in a similar fashion to the .eth domains, but they will have wider compatibility, making them accessible through both the ENS and web browsers. This means that users will be able to access their blockchain addresses on web browsers, adding further convenience and accessibility to the world of blockchain technology.

Although the new .box domain names carry potential drawbacks concerning censorship, they may bridge the gap between the traditional web and blockchain technology, paving the way for a more digitally integrated future. With its September 2023 launch, the .box TLD may further solidify Ethereum’s place in the web ecosystem while expanding the capabilities of blockchain-reliant domain names.

Source: Cryptonews

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