Exploring Sui Network’s Rise: The Influence of Game Sui 8192 and Ongoing Gas Fee Challenges

A neon-lit cyber cityscape where digital tiles slide into place, the glow intensifying as they merge to form the sought-after 8192 tile. Include the visual representation of rising transaction chart in the backdrop reflecting game's popularity, style it like a classic 16-bit video game. Capture the mood of thrilling anticipation catalysed by competitive gameplay, but subtly show the accumulating gas fees as growing shadows, hinting at potential challenges.

Across the constantly burgeoning blockchain landscape, an intriguing narrative is unfolding. Sui 8192, a tile-sliding puzzle game, is spurring a sudden surge in daily transactions – or txs – on the Sui Network, according to data platform Artemis. The provider suggests that this single blockchain game has allowed Sui to surpass even Solana‘s activity levels.

Launched in October 2022, Sui 8192 operates in a manner reminiscent of the viral 2014 browser-based puzzle game 2048. Using arrow keys, players aim to shift and merge tiles until they reach a tile worth 8192. Similar to minting an NFT, each instance of the game mints a new object, while every move made in the game is recorded as a transaction, requiring a gas fee payment. Developed by Sui wallet provider Ethos Wallet, the game is open-sourced and aimed to showcase how apps could evolve on the Sui blockchain.

However, skeptics may posit that this upswing in daily transactions is simply the result of increased gameplay, rather than a testament to the network’s technology. They might also question whether the network would see comparable sustained levels of transactions without the input from these game-related activities.

Moreover, the game’s success has its downsides for users, chief among them being the rising demand for SUI tokens. As more and more players participate and compete for rewards, the increasing need for tokens has put upward pressure on gas fee payments. This factor may well deter many from utilizing the game and, by extension, the Sui Network.

To challenge Solana, Sui might do well to consider expanding its reach beyond the game arena. A notable step in this direction comes via Bullshark Quests, an initiative by Mysten Labs that has been pushing engagement on Sui. Over the next few weeks, Bullshark holders can compete for rewards through various Sui games like Sui 8192.

So, the Sui Network is experiencing quite a rollercoaster ride: on one hand, successfully hosting a viral on-chain game with record-breaking transaction counts, and on the other, being forced to navigate the pitfalls of rising gas fees and a narrowed user base. Whether these highs and lows contribute to Sui’s standing as a viable “Solana killer”, however, remains to be seen.

Source: Cointelegraph

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