Examining the ENS ‘Hack’: A Deception or Crypto Security Wakeup Call?

“Cybersecurity expert Dominic Alvieri recently asserted that Ethereum Name Service (ENS) was hacked, with claimed extracted data including usernames, hashed passwords, and more. However, skepticism has arisen as the alleged sensitive data seems to be simply publicly available information. This event underscores the strength of decentralized systems against cybersecurity threats.”

Awakening Giants: What Dormant Crypto Wallets Coming to Life Means for the Blockchain Future

A cryptocurrency whale recently reclaimed $74M in ETH trapped for years in the Ethereum Name Service auction, shocking observers. Other dormant wallets holding substantial assets have recently been activated, demonstrating both the immense potential and volatility of cryptocurrency. However, unclaimed deeds pose questions about the process of reclaiming such funds. Users should verify their addresses to claim their holdings in this intriguing blockchain development.

Ethereum’s .box Domains: Bridging Web3 & Traditional Web or Opening Censorship Risks?

The Ethereum Name Service (ENS) is set to unveil the .box Top-Level Domain (TLD) in September 2023, marking the first domain name extension routable by both blockchain-native and traditional web DNS. This collaboration between ENS and My.box aims to help users own DNS-based and ENS-based names while bridging the gap between the traditional web and blockchain technology.