Rosario Dawson and Tony Revolori are joining forces in Ghosts of Ruin, a Western anime series produced by Gala Film – the entertainment division of Web3 startup Gala Games. This futuristic show follows a group of gamers competing in a high-stakes tournament in a dystopian version of San Francisco, where gaming feels as real as life itself. The series is brought to life by Battle Island, a new media content studio, and features original music from Hans Zimmer’s Bleeding Fingers collective. With its star-studded voice cast and innovative approach to content, Ghosts of Ruin promises to offer a unique viewing experience for anime and gaming fans alike.
However, what sets this project apart from other traditional productions is its unique integration of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and Web3 technology. Rather than following the conventional route of releasing content through streaming platforms, Ghosts of Ruin will debut its pilot episode on Gala’s platform, exclusively for NFT holders who help fund the show’s production. With NFTs offering varying levels of access, fans can enjoy the series and other digital collectibles by purchasing them with GALA tokens, Gala Games’ native cryptocurrency.
While this method of funding and distribution piques the interest of tech enthusiasts, it also raises questions about accessibility and inclusion. The requirement of holding specialized NFTs could limit engagement, excluding potential fans who may not have the financial means to purchase these tokens or the technical know-how to navigate the platform. Furthermore, with the show’s pilot episode set to premiere in August, the creators hope to eventually shop it as a proof of concept to a major streaming service, arguably undermining the initial exclusively Web3-based distribution.
Despite these concerns, there is considerable support for the innovative blend of storytelling and cutting-edge technology. Gala Film CEO Sara Buxton has praised the series, stating that it provides “a more rewarding experience” through digital ownership and benefits. The show also boasts an experienced creative team, with Michael Ryan serving as showrunner and writer.
Although Ghosts of Ruin represents a bold leap forward in content distribution and audience engagement, last week’s abrupt announcement by Coinbase to not support an upgraded version of Gala Games’ GALA token has raised eyebrows. No explanation was offered by the cryptocurrency exchange, leaving fans and investors questioning the implications of this development on the show’s future prospects.
Ultimately, Ghosts of Ruin is a trailblazing project at the frontier of entertainment and technology, embracing Web3 and NFTs as a new avenue for funding and distribution. While the show’s success remains uncertain amid the recent GALA token controversy, it highlights the growing influence of blockchain technology on the creative industry and the potential for a more democratized approach to content creation and distribution.
Source: Decrypt