JOMO Effect NFTs: Mental Health Meets Web3, Artist Empowerment, and Environmental Impact

Serenene Web3 metaverse scene, soothing pastel hues, peaceful digital garden, meditators and creators connecting, warm ethereal glow, impressionist style, mood of tranquility and introspection, celebrating JOMO, fostering mental health and harmony, eco-conscious virtual art, community upliftment.

Digital mental health collective Peace Inside Live has joined forces with 11 partners, such as Deepak Chopra’s metaverse organization Seva.Love, TIME magazine’s Web3 arm TIMEPieces, and crypto domain provider Unstoppable Domains, to release the JOMO Effect NFT collection. This wellness-inspired project aims to raise funds for mental health in the Web3 space.

Over 40 creators have contributed digital artworks to the collection, which are available to mint as an open-edition on Polygon through marketplace Magic Eden for 24 MATIC (approximately $21) for the next 24 hours. A portion of the primary sale profits will be donated to five mental health charities, including the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

Collectors of the JOMO Effect NFTs will gain access to Chopra’s Soul of Leadership course, Peace Inside Live’s meditations and mindfulness materials, a 30% discount for an Unstoppable Domain, and more. JOMO (Joy of Missing Out) emerged as a term to counteract FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), which has been a significant topic of discussion in the Web3 space.

Co-founder of Peace Inside Live, Shira Lazar, believes that FOMO can increase stress and anxiety for creators, preventing them from prioritizing self-care and wellness practices. The JOMO Effect collection aims to spark conversation about the importance of mental health in Web3 and provide collectors an opportunity to make a positive impact both within the community and for themselves.

Lazar questions how to integrate mental health into the foundation of the disruptive Web3 industry. She emphasizes the need to not only promote the idea but also allow people to practice it. Wellness advocate Chopra stands by these sentiments, stating in a press release that efforts to promote mental health are essential as the Web3 industry continues to expand.

Chopra envisions a more sustainable, peaceful, healthier, and joyful world and sees Web3 as a tool to achieve that. Collaborating with the JOMO Effect is part of his ongoing focus on nurturing community and well-being in the digital space.

While the JOMO Effect NFT collection contributes to highlighting the significance of mental health in the Web3 community, it is essential to balance this with the skepticism surrounding the sustainability and environmental impact of NFTs. As the industry and technology advance, so should the understanding and consideration for the potential positive impacts and drawbacks that come with it.

Source: Coindesk

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